Two years later and Covid is still with us. After a brief period of relative "freedom", I am back to being more careful and restrictive in my activities thanks to the Omicron variant. With the start of the new year, I am focusing on completing some of the many UFOs that clutter up my sewing area. I don't make resolutions as such, but I t think it will be productive to take stock of things and work on some of the UFOs I have. This is one that was started in late 2018 or early 2019. It is Virginia Bound from Bonnie Hunter's book, "From Scraps to Shirttails" and uses thrifted shirts. It was taking up three large containers - a basket and two large plastic bins - in my sewing area so it makes sense to clear those out. After taking stock of what I had already completed, I only needed to sew together a block to make enough for the quilt top. Then I worked on the borders, which are now almost complete. Tomorrow should see this UFO done and dusted. Well, at least the top. I will have it long-arm quilted, putting it in the queue for quilting.

I have made several projects that Gyleen Fitzgerald gave us for getting through Covid. Here is "Library."
This is Men's Undercover (her title, not mine).
Both of these have been quilted and donated to a local charity organization. Here is a table or bed runner from one of Gyleen's books: It is not quilted. At some point I will quilt it myself.
Here is "Octo", a paper-pieced pattern that I started several years ago when Janie Lou, a local quilt shop, was still in business. The blocks are fairly large and I really think this would have been easier to do with conventional piecing instead of paper piecing. My daughter liked it, so I gave it to her..
The next photo is made from the alternate blocks of a local quilt shop's BOM from ten (?) years ago. It just lacks some sashing and a border. I have the fabrics selected and stored with the top. I really don't like sewing on borders; I find it boring and several projects in the UFO pile just need borders. How pathetic is that? I have even taken this one to retreat with me, but didn't touch it. Time to finish it up. The setting was inspired by a quilt in one of Kaffe Fassett's books.
I have another BOM from the same shop that is in the UFO pile to finish. It also only needs borders. there is also a Judy Niemeyer project,, "Stepping Stones" - all done except for - you guessed it - borders. I may be able to get the two BOMs and "Stepping Stones" finished this month. Wouldn't that be great!
After these are dealt with, it will be time to take a deep dive and see what else I can finish. There are at least two Bonnie Hunter mystery quilts lurking in bags and bins somewhere in the chaos of my sewing room. There are also two leader\ender projects of hers around somewhere, too. One is Hourglass, which I got bored with but want to complete. I could probably stop now and get it into the long-arm queue, but I would like to add one more round of blocks - possibly in red - to make it large enough for a queen-sized bed quilt (. the other is Cheddar Bow Ties. I have quite a few blocks made, but they are so small, finishing at 3", that it takes a ton to make a top of much size. I will see what I have and perhaps settle for a throw sized quilt.
I have been busy the past couple of years making a ton of small baby quilts for local charities that our guild supports. There are too many to show here and quite a few were made from kits of 5" squares that the guild gives to members. The fabric is donated and they are not all that exciting. Someone else selected the fabric, cut the squares, then bundled them up with batting, backing, binding, and a label. I feel a sense of accomplishment when they are completed, but it's kind of mindless work. I appreciate the kits; having everything packaged up is a real time saver and I can usually knock one out in a couple of hours.
I cam back to my blog because it affords more opportunity to document things than Instagram. Stay tuned. I will try to be more regular in posting.