One of the times of the year I like is January, followed by February. Nothing much going on after the hubbub of the fall and winter holiday season. My cup of tea. Plenty of time for quilting and other leisurely activities. I am slowly making progress on the desert palette quilt. I am quite pleased with the colors I have chosen and the slow pace of evening EPP sewing.
My back is fairly comfortable. Not perfect, but much better. No need for ibuprofen, etc. I have been getting chiropractic treatments, but remain skeptical that they are doing anything more than depleting my wallet. I don't feel much different afterwards. I still thing chiropractic is 95% placebo. I know there are lots of people who believe otherwise. This has been my experience.
I recently visited my brother in Escondido, CA (San Diego). I had a very relaxing time. The timing was good as I missed the extremely frigid weather in St. Louis and the heavy rain and flooding in San Diego that happened upon my return to St. Louis. The days are slowly lengthening and we are almost through January. Can spring be far behind?
My calendar is fairly empty allowing me time to make an entry for our guild's president's challenge - "Make a Pink Quilt." I am the president of the guild currently and also a breast cancer survivor. The parameters - other than the color pink -were non-existent - make a quilt of any size or technique that reads as pink when first viewed. We will vote on our favorite in February and the quilt with the most "likes" will get a small prize. I look forward to what folks come up with. I am continually amazed at the creativity of our members.
My entry was inspired by one I saw at exuberantcolor.com. It consists of half-rectangle triangles. I was a bit challenged at first because you need to make two types of triangles which are mirror images of each other. When I finally got that idea straight in my head, things progressed swimmingly. I like the pattern because it looks like a twisted breast cancer awareness ribbon.
I finished a memory quilt for a friend and it has been gifted to her. Her two sisters also wanted one, but I didn't have enough fabric left to make two more quilts. I decided to make them each runners that can be used across the foot of a bed or on a longish table. I made one with log cabin blocks and the other will be blocks from Denyse Schmidt's "Free Wheeling Single Girl" quilt. Here's the finished memory quilt.

I made one of these quilts each for two year old identical twins. Both are scrappy and pretty similar. I varied the border fabric so they can tell them apart. It's "Dancing Plus" by Jan Ochterbeck at colourfulfabriholic.com. I don't normally make the same pattern more than once as there are so many fun ones out there to try. This pattern is very forgiving. No seams to match except for sewing the blocks together. I have made it any number of times and it is scrap basket friendly. A neighbor h ad a baby over the winter. It's a boy and I will be making this again for the new baby. Maybe in blue and green.

Lastly I will be starting an Elizabeth Hartmann quilt for my niece who is due in April. The shower is this Saturday. I bought her some things from her baby registry so there is something from me to open at the shower. Her theme for the nursery is animals. I will be making Fancy Forest", which I have made once before. More of that mirror imaging in the piecing. I follow Gyleen Fitzgerald's suggestion and lay out all the pieces for one block next to my sewing machine. She calls it "making the picture". I still manage tp get things backwards at times, especially with mirror imaging but it does help. I imagine I will have some time with the seam ripper.
I will make one fourth of the quilt. Each section repeats, just in a different colorway. and there are already two of each animal in each quarter. The size of one section is plenty big enough for a baby quilt.
I have chosen a mantra for the coming year. This is in lieu of a New Year's resolution. It is a focus for my thoughts and this year it is "believe", as in believe in yourself, love, friendship, etc. I have a subscription to the weekend edition of the New York Times. I had a daily subscription some years ago and could not keep up with all the content. It is a great newspaper and I missed it so have taken the weekend edition again. Anyway last weekend it contained an article on delight practice which sounds goofy given the current state of affairs in the world. It consists of taking note of small things that delight us in our daily lives. A sunset, smile from a friend, etc. Quilting has many such small moments to savor. A perfectly pieced block, fabric selection for a new project (even if you never make it!), stitching down the last inches of a binding, etc. I encourage you to try it.