Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Winter Stamp Collection

 One of the blogs I follow, Pinker n' Punkin Quilting, is hosting a winter SAL, "Winter Stamp Collection". The designs are super cute, easy, and finish up small. It is suggested that they can be worked up as individual little pin cushions, which I plan to do throughout the coming year. With any luck and perseverance, there should be a collection to give out as Christmas gifts to quilty (and other) friends. Take a look! https://pinkernpunkinquilting.blogspot.com/2025/01/winter-stamp-sal-introduction.html

I have been doing a fair amount of cross stitch recently, resurrecting projects that have been too long in the time out basket. Somehow my quilting mojo has temporarily disappeared. This has happened before and I know it will return at some point. For now I am content to sit, cross stitch, and look at the snow we received last week. It is disappearing as the temperatures have risen a bit and the sun is out. We first had freezing rain and sleet before the snow. My driveway has been shoveled and the top layer of snow removed. Then it was salted with 40 lbs. of snow melt. The ice is now fairly soft and I expect it to disappear entirely in another day or so.

I hope you have found something interesting to work on as winter settles in. I think that I had best get going on the president's challenge for Thimble and Thread. We are to make a baby-sized quilt using any disappearing block pattern. I make take the easiest route and use the original disappearing four patch block. It is the easiest one and pretty straight forward. See it here:

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