Thursday, February 20, 2025

This & That

It has been extremely cold here the past several days. Close to one degree at night. My dog likes to stay outside, often sleeping in a sunny corner on a pile of mulch. We have also had snow, so this has not been possible for him at present.. Nonetheless he wants to say outside and is not particularly compliant about coming in when called. He will obey after his first time out in the morning because he knows breakfast is waiting for him when he comes in. The rest of the day he is not as compliant. He is a miniature labradoodle and Labradors are a hearty bunch but it is too cold for him to stay outside indefinitely. I attached a tether to him so I can get him back in without having to chase him around the yard. Problem solved

I have taken advantage of the weather to stay inside and quilt. I am almost finished piecing a top for a friend's granddaughter and I must say I am really liking it. It is an uneven log cabin which gives the illusion of curved lines. I apparently cannot count as I needed 48 blocks and ended up making 52. The extra four blocks I used as "seeds" to make another baby-sized quilt to donate to one of the children's charities our guild supports. But four blocks were not enough so I proceeded to make more blocks and again, ended up with four blocks too many. I need to go back to school to learn counting and arithmetic, I guess. I will set the extras aside for now.

I had a fair number of blocks made from a pattern in one of my instruction booklets I have that uses charm packs. I had to make about 10 more to have enough for the quilt top. I counted correctly this time. They are sewn together and all that is left now is to make the borders. I will work on those later today.

I will make another baby quilt from Jan Ochterbeck's "Dancing Plus" tutorial.

Here is my latest version, gifted to a neighbor:

This pattern is an exception to my rule of not making the same pattern twice. I have made it a number of times and really like it. It is somewhat charm pack friendly but there are four corner squares required that finish at 3". These are the background fabrics however, and I choose that before I get started. The next one will be in an analogous color palette of blue, green, and purple. It will be for a boy.